You may or may not be aware we have been fostering a couple of ferrets. Dizzy and Cricket have been with us for a couple of weeks now and they have been looking for a home during that time.
Last week Crickets luck was in, when Jaime was contacted by a girl from Aberdeen who had done her research and was looking for a ferret to keep as a house pet. Cricket will fit the bill no question, she is an easy going playful ferret and a great place for a new owner to start.
In order to get Cricket to her new home we arranged to meet in Edinburgh on Saturday. As Loki and Duffy have not yet been on a train we thought it would be a great time to try them out.

After the usual 6am dog walk, we packed Cricket into a carry cage and made off for Newcastle to catch a train to Edinburgh, dogs and all. Our seats were booked on a train departing just after 9am and we were at the station in fairly good time.

On boarding the train we found it was possibly a little busier than we had expected and looked like it might be a little to cramped to take the dogs further into the carriage than by the entrance door. Our seats were at a table which we would have shared with two other passengers. I suggested that Jaime take her seat and put Cricket on mine and I would stay by the doors with the dogs so as to be the least amount of inconvience and keep the dogs comfortable.

Around 2 minutes out of the station Jaime came back down the train and waved for me to come up to the table which was now totally vacated. Whether it was the prospect of travelling with a little weasel or the delicate fragrance which comes with a female ferret the seat occupants apparently up and left about 30 seconds after Jaime sat down with a comment to the effect... "Welllll, I'm not staying here". So a table all to ourselves worked out very nicely.

Loki and Duffy settled themselves nicely under the table and slept most of the way, as did Cricket in her cage.
All arrived in Edinburgh safely and with out event, and Cricket met up with his new owner. She made it back to Aberdeen safe and sound and settled in her new home under her new name Guinness.

... and the moral of the story, if your looking to get a comfortable space during train travel, carry a ferret.