This weekend we took a trip to Sheffield to visit friends and take a walk around the gardens of Chatsworth House. We had a run of bad luck but it was a good weekend non the less.
Only about 45 minutes from home we discovered the exhaust on the car was starting to blow and make noises like a boy racer had spent a few hundred pounds to give it a throaty roar. We considered turning around for about 30 seconds and then decided we could handle the noise and cranked up the radio to complete the "Charver" effect.
Our drive was through torrential rain which added to our journey time, but we were fortunate that as we approached Chatsworth House the rain started to lighten. The combination of stotting rain and the loud radio had us all but forgetting the exhaust noise, until we stopped at the parking ticket booth and rolled down the window to an attendant who had to shout over our din and give us a slightly disapproving glance.
Having set impressions high with our subtle arrival, we followed this with a brief fountain diving incident in the court yard by the car park. As we walked up to the centre of the court yard, Duffy eyed up the stone wall which formed the edge of the fountain and before Jaime could react, jumped to perform one of his favorite tricks of walking on raised walls. Unfortunately the rim was somewhat thinner than he had expected and in he went under the watchful eyes of the all in the court yard.
The gardens of Chatsworth are very impressive and filled with water features and sculptures as well as an amazing array of flowers and trees. We managed to enjoy a good walk around without any further incidents and only getting mildly wet from the drizzle.
wow, spectacular gardens is right! That rock face with the waterfall... amazing. Beautiful gunera too(huge rhubarb-like plants with thorns).. What a neat place. Anyway, hope your exhaust isn't too pricey to fix and all i have to say about duffy is, which medal in obedience does he have??? : )