My Darling Sickly little puppy passed away, But i wanted to share her story all the same.
She came in with her skin and bone mother and 9 other skinny flea and worm infested siblings (there had been 11 but one had died before they arrived) from a house that could not be bothered to care for or feed them anymore and wanted rid of them.
She was only 1/2 the size of any of the other puppies and the vet they had seen had discovered a Heart murmur and suggested she be put to sleep so she wouldn't be an unnecessary burden on her already struggling mother. It was decided to see if she would make it on her own. When she arrived at work she was desperately dehydrated and anemic and we cursed the vets for not putting her on a drip to give her a helping hand.
It was clear there and then that she would not survive the night without an intervention. So she came home with me. 4 days we spent together.... and a few times it looked like she had lost the will to live, only to start eating again and regain her strength, even following Duffy around and imitating play. 3 nights of getting up to feed her every 1-2 hours, making sure her watter bottle was warm or just comforting her when she was lonely.
On the 4th night she seemed well in herself, she had been with her mom and littler mates all day feeding and sleeping with them so i decided it was time to let her go. She would be happier with her family. It was a risk, but i had given her the head start in life she deserved... People had starved her mother to the point where she was unable to feed her own pups, so it was only fair that People right that wrong.
The next morning i checked on her first thing and i looked for her in the crush of brindle puppies who ran up to greet me, and it was with a sense of dread that i saw her still form still curled on the bed... Lifeless. She had died in her sleep.
I Could have done things differently, i could have kept her home longer, but looking back.... i still would have made the same choice to let her stay with her mom. It seemed right.
As one life goes out all around me new life springs up... In the fields the lambs are appearing, the birds are finished with their courtship and are now busily building homes to hold their chicks. Any day now i expect to see baby Bunnies on the grassy verges and the warren hills...
And the DAFFODILS are EVERYWHERE Bringing that longed for splash of color and the feeling that spring is on it's merry way. The promise of sun and of green trees and butterflies and bumblebees.
And i cant help Smiling as i pass their happy bobbing heads.In summary, it has taken us ages to catch up on the sleep and energy we lost during the adventure of Crufts, but now that we are finally waking out of the sleepwalk our life has turned into the last few weeks it seems we are walking into a whole new world that brings great hope that summer and all the great things that come with it is just around the corner.