Saturday, 7 March 2009

Day 3, "nice to see such unexaggerated dogs"

The days sure do seem to be getting longer and longer, as well as Dave and I being tired, the dogs are getting fed up with all the attention from strangers, but because it is the weekend it means LOADS more people crowding into the halls making navigating from one side to the other nearly impossible. it would be fair to say tempers are frayed.

It was Hunting dogs day which meant lots of dogs you see on your average walk on the beach.. Spaniels, Labs, Retrievers, & Gun dogs such as Weimaraners, Vizslas, Pointers and some of the less common breeds like Griffons, Bracco Italianos and Munsterlanders.

It was Duffy and Dave's second and Last day of performances, and because his first show was at noon it meant we could leave a little later to make it there for 10am. the Kennel Club as usual showed it's organisational skills by changing the schedule not once, not twice... but FOUR times. keeps us on our toes. Of course both my boys did great. Dave did alright too.

On another note, i just want you all to marvel with me at the race i call Dog Breeders/showers. We Actually SAW a woman with her toddler on a lead and her tiny fancy kick dog in a Pram.... and the amount of people who look like their chosen breeds is down right FRIGHTENING!

We also bumped into Richard Curtis one of the UK's leading Heelwork to music / Canine freestyle handlers, Who spotted Duffy and confessed he would like to steal him as he had searched far and wide at the dog shelters for a dog with so much character in his face.

Finally the day was over, Dave and Duffy got a certificate and a ribbon for their participation and then it was back to the hotel to rest and scrounge up some food... funnily our meals and general upkeep has come second to getting the dogs out for their pee breaks, fed, and rested.

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