Well our little foster family is now kitten free and we have our spare room back. The ferals have now had their vaccinations and will soon go up for adoptions, so fingers crossed for new homes.
That leaves us with just the three ferrets. I had initial concerns about "The Witch" bullying all the other ferrets including Jaime's own Enzo and Flash. But Jaime assured me its ok as ferrets can interact very roughly especially on first meeting to establish a form of pecking order. On her first night here she was really going at Flash and was even dragging Enzo (Jaime's full grown male ferret) across the yard. The Witch is now segregated from Enzo at all times, but for her own safety as Enzo was caught trying to use her head as a Pogo stick in retribution and continues to try and keep her at the bottom of the heap.
Less animals means Jaime has time for longer dog walks in the evening and we're all enjoying it all the more when the weather is warm. However its not always warm... last night for instance we had a major down pour which Jaime and the dogs got caught in and by the time they got home they were totally SOAKED in fact her shoes are still wet this evening. Unfortunately I didn't capture any pictures of that but I did manage a few from the night before which was brilliant blue skys which give us a chance to put the dogs through their paces for a little while.