Monday, 20 July 2009

Our Foster Family

This post is a little different from our usual subject matter. Our house is somewhat full of critters at the moment. We have two dogs and two ferrets of our own, but this has been added to for a short while.

Adding to our numbers we have three kittens (of which two are feral), and three ferrets. All of which are introduced below.

Greedo - AKA Feral Kitten Number 1

Curious George - AKA Feral Kitten Number 2

Gizmo - AKA Whiney Skinny Dirty Little Thing

As you can see feeding time is never pretty

Dizzy - AKA The Biter!! or Ooo you little B*****

Pinkie - AKA the Witch

Cricket - AKA the little cute one - She's TINY!!


  1. wow, that's quite the ark you guys have going there. I like the witch and the dirty kitten the best. And the picture of the dirty kitten is awesome!!

  2. Welcome to our little world or furry beasts. lol
