Its kitten time again. Jaime has been hand rearing four, two week old kittens who's mother died. Hand Rearing, means that they need feeding ever couple of hours... EVERY couple of hours, day and night. Jaime has been doing the honors and is very tired but has been doing a great job of feeding and the less pleasent bottom stimulation which the mother cat would do to encourage the little ones to... what could be considered completing the digestive process.
As usual Duffy was paying particular attention to the fluffy critters brought in to the house. Jaime allowed Duffy to gradually get closer to the kittens over a day or two. Eventually he graduated to sniffing and licking them and from there he seemed to develop a paternal nature we had not seen before. He was pleased each time he saw them and was very happy to help "complete the digestive process" and settle beside them.