Monday 1 June 2009

We're updating again!!

We've haven't been updating for a little while, mainly because we have been lazy.  All thats changed, thanks to a having quite a few dog related matters to write about and a little pestering encouragement from an individual... you know who you are ;)

Sunday 31st May 2009 - The K9 Academy Sponsored Dog Walk. 
Thirty owners and dogs set out on the walk from Seaton Sluice to Tynemouth Priory.

In costumes ranging from Cowboys to Cruella de Vils.  The weather was very much on our side and I'm pleased to say almost everyone managed to make it the 6 miles to the Priory.

Some of the benefits of doing a walk like this are to help make people aware of the club and help raise funds for new equipment and development.  The only down side was the side effects from a stomach bug needing me to lenghten my own personal walk a little with frequent pit stops.

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